I’ve given a fair number of interviews by now, mainly (though not exclusively) to promote the police and prison abolitionist organizing I participate in, but haven’t previously taken any effort to compile or consolidate those media appearances. In the spirit of better documenting my public work, below is a partial list of articles/podcasts/etc. that I’ve been featured in. This particular page is primarily for media created by others; my own work typically belongs elsewhere on this blog, like the home page, although there is also an “op-eds” section at the bottom, in case I ever write anything else for the establishment media (not in my plans for now).
After a draining push doing press work on behalf of the No New Jails NYC campaign, I set an intention to spend less time talking to journalists who fundamentally do not align with my values and goals, even if they have access to platforms and audiences I lack. I want to spend more time speaking to my own community members and building the reach and power of independent media (activist, scholarly, popular, or whatever) where I can express and represent myself as I see fit, whether under my own name, or unsigned under the name of a collective I am a member of. That said, I am still happy to occasionally speak with media workers who do share at least some of my politics, and I have not completely sworn off engagement with the mainstream media. So, please feel free to get in touch if you are interested in interviewing me!